Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Feel so miserable once again.... thought I'd give it a shot but guess I was too late yet again, maybe it's not meant to be? Or was I just too complacent? Self-Denial? Once bitten twice shy? Overconfidence to hide my true cowardly self? Another opportunity probably will not be possible anymore, time to move on I guess? No use staying in the past.
I need to get myself together once again.
I need to start constantly reminding myself:
1) Who am I?
2) What is my purpose?
3) What are my principles?
Remember. Do not falter. This is a test of faith. I must persevere no matter how hard it gets. It's only been 3 years worth of emotions. It's not too late to let go. I must move on. For my friends, and no doubt for my family. Disappointment is no doubt unavoidable, but I must stay strong and not let my head down. I will move on. I WILL move on. I WILL MOVE ON!!!
posted by hahaha @ 12:53 AM