Friday, August 26, 2011
Code of life:
I live strongly by a certain code in life. What people may call stupid and stuff for kids or for the "lowly educated". To me, this is a code of brotherhood, a code which bonds people together as though they were real blood brothers. Something the "educated" or "high class" will not be able to understand, only we "naive peasants" would abide to. To me, it's a code that brings harmony and peace to humanity.
I guess you probably didn't realize, but you have breached this particular code. There's a difference between being, "logically and morally" correct, and being "socially correct". You probably feel that I'm just using you nothing more than a mere tool. This is where you are wrong. Let me tell you this, I greatly appreciate what you've done, but if this is how it goes, it's how it'll go. I would've apologized, but you of all people should know your own arrogance, I may be "logically and morally" wrong, and I was willing to accept that and apologize, the only problem was your cockiness and certain illogical reasoning. With that, let me tell you, you may be "logically and morally correct" standing firm on your own principles, you may succeed with your career and ambitions, but the world is all about social etiquette, and being "socially" correct, you may stand to gain in a business being "logcially and morally" correct, but you'll probably die a lonely man. You probably will not have anyone to support you in times of crisis when you come across greedy people(of course sad to say there are black sheeps everywhere) who lives along the same code as I do.
I do not expect an apology, neither will I GIVE an apology, but I believe, everybody deserves another chance, you and me both alike, this choice is up to you. If you just want to walk away, go ahead, there's nothing I can do. But if you would like to continue this friendship, all that it will take is from after reading this post is just a simple text containing a simple greeting something like, "Hi". Should you want to continue this friendship, I would gladly explain everything and this "social logic".
I DO know I was in the wrong, but if such arrogance is what you would give, then, I rather live with my mistakes.
P.S. The code which I live strongly by is these 2 simple words: "义气"
posted by hahaha @ 9:53 PM