Saturday, July 18, 2009



posted by hahaha @ 12:16 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

continued misery

for some reason, im still feeling damn down 2day. no mood to do no shit. i get pissed off by the slightest things even though i dun show it. wassup wif me? maybe its cos im lacking proper rest? lets hope tts the worst tt can happen to me. so, yea, short post, im gonna go sleep now.
lets hope i get enuff sleep n i wun feel so emo anymore.
nitz all.
peace out.

posted by hahaha @ 12:48 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009

im still stressed out. for some reason, i dun feel like going home when im stressed out, i jus dunno n dun feel like facing my parents. its times like dis i wish i had somebody to support onto. but sadly, theres nobody available for me to lean on. it's jus nobody but myself...

is there anyone out there who can be my support?

posted by hahaha @ 11:23 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009

stressed out

I am damn dead tired.

somebody save me frm dis torture. i lack of proper sleep. too much things too lil time. im barely keeping it thru the days by dunking down energy drinks to perk me up to go thru the day. too much mental stress. everyday is packed by activities. i wish i could take a PROPER break of jus a few days. cant time jus freeze for like a day or two jus for once? i have a feeling im gonna collapse anytime soon. maybe one of these days? i sense hatred towards me by ppl, i dunno if its true, but the stress is definitely getting to me. i think i made a few mistakes which i feel is minor which probably to them, is one mistake too much. if ur among those who read my blog, i apologize if i did smth wrong which i didnt realize.

can anyone do anything to help me? my mind seems to be breaking down. everynite im blasting songs which i amplify the bass into my ears. for those who dunno, i love the bass of songs, both the bass n bass guitars. well, their both still bass, so yea.

im probably overfeeding my body wif stuff tt contains stuff like caffeine, taurine and sugar. who noes? i may jus drop dead some day suddenly cos of dis.

so any good suggestions?

highly doubt so.

n to my previous post, i realized part of wad i wan in the future.

gonna stop blogging for the nite.

nitz all

peace out~

posted by hahaha @ 8:51 PM

Friday, July 3, 2009

i'm kinda shocked at myself. I have always known what i wanted in life. But when i was asked by my fren, "What do you want to achieve in life?" for some reason i was for a loss of words. i couldnt give him a definite answer, all i could say was wad probably everyone else wans "enjoy life without worrying about anything". so, wad isit tt i reali wanna achieve in life? at some pt i feel like my destiny is being forced onto me, i cant do things tt i realli wanna do, so, i'll be going army soon, den uni, den maybe up till PhD, so im probably work till i retire, wheres the fun in life doing tt?

i w a n n a d o s o m e t h i n g f r e s h.

i wanna do all the different types of arts. it gives life a meaning, not jus to be born => study => work => retire => die
tell me wheres the fun in tt?

wheres the fun in having a stable job? u'd probably working till u retire, i doubt u can enjoy ur life at 60+? try bungee jumping at 60? u'd probably die of heart attack

i dun wanna live a boring life, they always so "xian ku hou tian" literally meaning, 1st bitter den sweet, which means to work hard in the early part of life, n enjoy ur later part, but i wanna enjoy every part of my life, y cant i scroll down into a small scale of working hard, n enjoying later?

so wads the point in saying all of these? i dun reali noe jus tt somebody wanted me to update my blog, so here it is, i barely see much sense in posting though, so yea.

peace out~

posted by hahaha @ 1:06 AM

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